Showing 97–105 of 105 results

White Tiger with Turquoise


Turquoise is a most efficient healer, that provides solace for the spirit and well-being for the body. This stone is excellent for exhaustion, depression and panic attacks.

White Wolf Wand


This Deer Antler wand can be used for house clearing healing and ceremonies. Deer Antlers are, like an antenna, receiving information from the universe.

Winged Citrine Wand


Healing Wand with Citrine,clear Quartz and small Amethyst. Citrine is a powerful cleanser and regenerator, very beneficial,warming and energizing. Clear Quartz generator is a master Healer and energy amplifier.

Winged Dragon with Jade


Jade is a protective stone that shields the wearer from harm and brings harmony. The Dragon is a symbol of magic and wisdom.

Winged Golden Healer Wand


A golden Healer carries the essence of All That Is and the universal life force or Qi. A Master healer for all conditions. Smokey Quartz is very protective and grounding.

Winged Rose Quartz Wand


Clear Quartz is a master healer, Rose Quartz brings in love and peace and Rainbow Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings and very connected to moon energy.

Winged Spirit Quartz Wand


Spirit Quartz opens the higher crown chakras aligning to the infinity  of being, bringing multidimensional healing and spiritual power. The Clear Quartz generator is a master healer and energy amplifier.