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Bumble Bee Moon Goddess


Bumble Bee Jasper brings joy, creativity and manifestation into your aura. This manifestation stone will awaken your will power and drive to create.

Green Unakite balances the emotional body and connects to higher spiritual callings.

Magical Owl Deer Goddess


Labradorite is a stone of magic and very protective. A bringer of light that raises consciousness and connects with universal energies.

Shapeshifter Owl Goddess


Beautiful, tranquil Chrysocolla is associated with empowerment and teachings. This stone calms the mind, reduces mental tension and brings strength during times of change.

Triple White Owl Pendant


This pendent symbolizes wisdom, knowledge and spiritual awakening. The Sunshine Aura Cluster cleanses the solar plexus chakra and helps to heal old hurts and traumas.A very positive stone that brings sunshine into your life.

White Barn Owl with Larimar


Larimar radiates love and peace. Larimar promotes deep meditation,  raises  consciousness and harmonizes body and soul and connects to angelic contacts.