Large Moon Goddess with Aura Spirit Quartz Cluster $150.00 Aura Spirit Quartz is a very protective stone, that creates a shield around one’s auric field, to provide mental clarity, serenity and inner peace. Add to cart
Large Sunset Aura Moon Goddess $160.00 Sunset Aura Quartz is a joyful stone that reminds you of the sun. This stone has powerful healing benefits and activates the heart,sacral and solar plexus chakras. Add to cart
Red Moon Spirit $120.00 The red Jasper moon stone supports during times of stress and brings tranquility. The smokey Quartz cluster is very grounding and protective and brings a deep connection to the earth. Add to cart
Small Moon Goddess Wand $140.00 This beautiful flashy Labradorite, is a very protective stone, a bringer of light, that raises consciousness and connects with universal energies. Labradorite stimulates intuition and psychic gifts. Add to cart